Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Death - A feeling

It was 4:15 AM when I woke up.
Stupid thing about Japan is , it's already sunrise time at 4:45 AM.
Well before the show starts its the lights before the dawn that wakes you up.
I had to check my watch twice to make sure it's not 5 AM ( The time I had kept my alaram ).
Its really Me who wakes up the alaram !

So with a blank mind I fell back on the bed to catch up the remaining 45 min of disturbed sleep.
A little time had passed and it was a disillusional state and suddenly I felt , I am on my Death Bed.
The feeling was weird.

I was weak.
I was counting my breath.. I could feel the moment approaching when i would be taking my last breath.
I was drifting in to a semi conscious state to be awakened at a higher state.
But there was that attachment or some kind of pulling , I could not explain.
The nostalgic attachment for the body that housed, kept me as human.

Then I just let it go ...
Now I know , some where down the subconscious there is that attachment, that craving.
There are lot many unanswered questions that needs to be answered or needs to be nurtured.
For I know , for some of the questions the time is not ripe.

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