Monday, May 28, 2007

My Own World - My Thoughts...

I am so busy that , I dont have time to fall sick !

I am young at heart..This when you repeat , shows that you are getting old ! and you wanna say to the world that you are fighting your best to keep abreast !Its in thinking that we should be young. Unconventional , breaking the barriers , Sponteneous ...

Overheard in a college :
'I have won my battle for Sex , But its my virginity that I lost ! '

These are tit-bits of my thoughts.
Don't say you want only the first one , you should have bits too !

Think Global, Act Cubicle.

Good programming is 99% smelly sweat and 1% coffee , consumed with Junk Food.

I live in the coluds.Reality is not for me.People say I should come down.That the clouds are not a place for grownups to be. I smile at them. May be ond day , I say may one day day i will come down. But I never will. Reality is not for me. I shall stay up here. The view is quite breathtaking.

I think about you everyday.
They say 'Get a Life'.
I say simple ' No'.
( After all you are my life ! )

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Joys of Life

The pleasure of life is in noticing the things that other do not...
There is joy in observing the smaller things in life ...

The time and again , I come again to these points , either by myself or when reminded. Today my best friend for life reminded me about it after seeing a photo of a small flower hardly noticed by Busy bees , but which was captured on photo frame on my weekly contemplative walk. Life is how you look at .. the paradigm .. the perspective , that changes the outcome. Life is not reaching destination. Its watching and enjoying the journey as well. Each and every moment of life offers multiple choices . The choice is up to you to make.

Every rain cloud has a silver lining
This is what my friend wrote to me when I was down and almost feeling suicidal going through the depression cycle. It was back in my college days. Almost alienated , going through the Identity crisis , waging a personal battle through the family trauma .. it was too much and pressure was building up. Then this friend from my High school who was doing higher studies in the lower class ( u know what i mean ) , gave an insightful lecture and a thoughtful letter. I was put in new path . I was asked to see the better side of life . Life has so many things to offer. Only you got to search for it . Its up to you .

I have realised the truth during my formative years exposed to harsh realities of life. The brutal and lethal truth. I think all these have hardened me . I have grown precociously , I believe. Those hard times , they leave a permanent mark on you.

So I have learnt to look for brighter side of life always. There are plenty when you have an inquisitive eyes of a child. They can be found in every walk of life . You have to keep your eyes open. There is no shortage for small goodies. Will you keep your eyes open .. Now !

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What's in Name ?

You may be wondering what's behind that name ?
Particularly the Number 128 associated almost every where, my id , blog ..
It was my roll number for 5 years of learning, formative years. Everyone were known with a number. Each one was tagged with a number. It was a home away from home. Or shortly SRKVS - Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala , My almamater . What ever I am , presently , my inner self was shaped during my tenure back in Mysore. The rest of my name or the beginning - RB (Pronounced as Arby ) stands for initials - like in Ravi Belegere's Name.